

Christian thought has been known for partial analysis of issues, ignoring the context and the premises that were the basis of the message transmitted by the Biblical writers. This has been one of the key reasons for many conflicts throughout the history of the church. However, it would be more prudent to start by pointing out that the true source of any deviation from Christianity is found in the great majority of believers who call themselves “Christians” while carrying out personal agendas despite not allowing their personal lives to be transformed by God. Our intention, however, is to focus on what we can contribute as the Body of Christ.

Today, twenty years into the twenty-first century, the Church is in critical condition. Some congregations are approving of things that would never have been acceptable to Jesus or the apostles. There is a broad spectrum of churches that have adopted a Christian perspective that has lost the context of Scriptures. Often their theology, though varied and contradictory, dismisses some Bible verses while highlighting others. They have accepted adultery and no-fault divorce and other issues in their moral principles. The greatest proponents enable, and do not expose, the manipulation of congregations by some leaders for their personal enrichment. They do not stop these leaders from attacking and antagonizing other believers simply because they disagree on a theological issue. They persevere in disrespecting the Holy Spirit by attributing to Him words or phrases that He has not spoken, in order to emotionally manipulate other believers. They have managed to develop a pattern in which ministry success is achieved when the Church functions as a business or a social welfare provider. Under a false premise of Biblical support, they support radicalism or accommodation for controversial topics that the Bible is not clear about.

As we review this lack of knowledge of the foundation that the apostles and their disciples were unquestionably certain of; as we observe the superficiality of many Christian universities that have so-called training focused on ministry or leadership that no longer focuses on apostolic teaching; as we see the apathy of many pastors regarding facilitating in-depth Bible studies for their congregations; as we see all this and many other issues that sadden those of us who have set aside human goals and make us cry out to God, with hope in His pleasing and perfect will, we express that:

  1. At Way Up we believe that the Supreme Being is God (Elohim), Lord (Adonai) of the universe, the Eternal Creator of everything that exists. Through his saving incarnation, He redeems humankind by grace, helping us in a supernatural way so that we never again live in sin. He reveals Himself through creation, the prophets, the Scriptures He inspired, the coming of His Son into the world as a man, and the daily life of believers through the Holy Spirit.
  2. At Way Up we confess that the Father sent his Son Jesus (Yeshua), the Christ (Mashiaj), who is also the incarnation of God and was the substitute of mankind in his judgment for sin.
  3. At Way Up we testify that God, through the Holy Spirit, regenerates the unnatural (sinful) spirit of mankind so that people not only wish for the holiness described in Scriptures but also live them out and reject sin.
  4. At Way Up we acknowledge that only God raises people to a state of spirituality in which they can have a relationship with Him and reveal in their hearts the splendor of the divine nature of Jesus.
  5. At Way Up we wait and hope on God and direct our will so that each area of our lives can be an expression of our faith.
  6. At Way Up we study the Scriptures through prayer, enriched by the collaboration and the dynamics of a community of believers, in the historical and cultural context in which it was written, attempting to understand the grammatical value of each word and phrase as the authors meant it and with the purpose God reveals in it.
  7. At Way Up we feel responsible for discipling believers and sharing the gospel with sinners, and therefore we take advantage of all the advances the Church has made in these areas.
  8. At Way Up we try to connect those who want to do so in harmony so they can study the Scriptures in depth and dedicate their lives to God in a biblical way, without accusing, attacking or condemning anyone who does not belong to our group or does not share some of the conclusions we have reached in our interpretation. Each person grows in knowledge and spirituality as God, in His will, allows. Biblical knowledge is not always directly proportional to sanctification.
  9. Way Up is not a sectarian movement that seeks to be isolated from the rest of the believers. We want to work with every individual and institution. Any other community that wants to please the God described in the Bible as the only supreme Being and be faithful to Him receives our support, respect, brotherly love and willing cooperation in spreading God’s message.
  10. At Way Up we are willing to exchange and demonstrate our love with institutions and people who have other beliefs, without sacrificing our values or our ideals. We will always desire to bear witness to them, by word or example, regarding the love of God manifested in His Son Jesus.
  11. At Way Up we understand that there are contextual biblical truths that may or may not have been overlooked by theology, but are indispensable for any interpretation. We focus on those and let all believers and institutions have the freedom to interpret without contradicting the intentions of the biblical authors.
  12. At Way Up we foster conversation between different interpretations. This dialog is not because we believe that everyone is right or that truth is relative, but so we can grow in knowledge of the truth that the TaNaK and the Apostolic Writings have confirmed. We do this in love, with respect and understanding that other brothers and sisters may have understood details of the truth that others or we ourselves may not have understood yet.
  13. At Way Up we do not write theology based on isolated doctrinal systems. We consider the Bible an indivisible whole in which truths are discovered through the Holy Spirit as well as the cultural and grammatical context of the TaNaK and the Apostolic Writings, so that each person who is interested in reaching theological conclusions can have a solid foundation, unmoved by speculation.
  14. At Way Up we do not follow a specific leader, since our Lord is the Messiah and we must submit to the leadership of the Holy Spirit for the ministry as a body of believers, where we each serve one other. However, we acknowledge that God can use someone as an example of holiness as described in the Bible to recommend specific things such as a strategy or the clarification of an issue.
  15. Way Up welcomes in its midst those who identify with its vision and declaration, who can participate as brethren and benefit from the services Way Up provides or as official members, who organize and carry out the services of Way Up.


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